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Special Industry Session Home > Program > Special Industry Session
The industrial session is dedicated to an invited talk given by four global IT industry to share their perspectives and visions on haptic technology. The session will take place at 16:20 ~ 18:20, April 16, 2013.
Session Title Invited Speakers
16:20~16:50 Current Status and Future Perspective of Haptic Technologies for Consumer Electronic Devices Dr. Woo Sok Chang
(Vice President, LG Electronics Inc.)
16:50~17:20 Three marketable values of haptics – confirmation, realism, and rich communication Dr. Robert Lacroix
(Vice President, Immersion Corp.)
17:20~17:50 Trends & Technical Issues of Commercial Mobile Haptic technology in the point of view of Mobile component industry Dr. Hewon Jung
(Hysonic, Korea)
17:50~18:20 Haptics for Mainstream- Taking a Leap in Technology Hype Curve to Plateau of Productivity Dr. Pauli Laitinen
(CTO, Aito BV)

Invited Talk 1: Current Status and Future Perspective of Haptic Technologies for Consumer
  Electronic Devices
Woo Sok Chang, Ph.D. (Vice President, LG Electronics Inc.)
  Haptic technologies play a more and more important role in consumer electronics industry. Valuable user experiences incorporating useful haptic technologies sometimes determine a core and unique selling point of consumer electronic devices. In this talk, current status and future perspective of haptic technologies and their business opportunities in the area of consumer electronics are discussed.
• Affiliation
  - Institution: Convergence Lab, LG Electronics Inc.
- Position: Vice President
- Email: [email protected]
• Education
  - Ph.D. in EECS, M.S. in MechE, both from MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
- M.S. and B.S. in EE, both from Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
• Main Career
  - Vice President, Convergence Lab, LG Electronics, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Director of Technology, Levitronix, Waltham, MA, USA
- Principal Electrical Engineer, Varian Semiconductor, Gloucester, MA, USA
- Engineer/Sr. Engineer, Central Research Institute, Daewoo Electronics, Seoul, Korea
Invited Talk 2: Three marketable values of haptics – confirmation, realism, and rich
  communication Abstract
Rob Lacroix (VP R&D;, Immersion Corporation)
  As the leader in high-volume, low-cost haptics solutions and licensing, Immersion has developed an understanding, over the years, of what cost the market is willing to bear for the functionality haptics brings to consumer electronics, entertainment, and automotive applications. This presentation will focus on Immersion’s current and near-future vision for these markets, within a proposed value framework.
  Rob Lacroix is responsible for all innovation and product development activities, including transforming innovative proof-of-concepts into commercial solutions that meet performance and value expectations. During his tenure at Immersion, Lacroix has held a range of positions, including director of software development, Mobility Engineering program manager, and General Manager of Immersion Canada. Before joining Immersion in 2000, he developed firmware for a number of customers that included Haptic Technologies (acquired by Immersion in 2000), the Canadian Space Agency, and other embedded systems device manufacturers. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University.
Invited Talk 3: Trends & Technical Issues of Commercial Mobile Haptic technology in the point
  of view of Mobile component industry
Dr. Hewon Jung (Hysonic, Korea)
  Mobile devices like smart phone , Tablet and etc. have been developed very rapidly and very dramatically after the smart phone appeared, In this presentation, Application Trends of Haptic technology for Commercial Mobile devices is introduced and Technical Issues of Mobile Haptic Actuators follow. In Mobile phone industry, HD haptic technology must be considered with respect to the component cost and size as well as haptic technology itself. Because the Mobile phone Industry is representative one of Mass production industry, first factor for adoption of New technology is “cost and size” itself. And second factor is “drop reliability”. Smartness and innovation of the technology is just a next one. Finally, current Status of HD haptic application for Mobile device is stated in the point of view that haptic actuator is one of the mobile component.
  Hewon Jung is a Director of R&D; Center at HYSONIC. HYSONIC is producing a Auto Focus Actuators for Mobile phone’s camera and leading the HD haptic technology for Mobile devices. He is the director of R&D; center of HYSONIC and being charge of the development for Mobile HD haptic actuator which are funded 10 million $ from Korea’s government. He has a doctor’s degree in mechanical Engineering from KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Korea with a “Hysteresis and Creep analysis of PZT actuators and application”. He was engaged in LG electronics as a senior engineer researching a small actuator for Blue-ray recorder for notebook computer at 2000 ~ 2004. Now, he has engaged in a Actuator Industry for Mobile devices 10 years. With his a lot of experience of small size actuator for mobile phone and Piezo actuation technology, he is leading the HD haptic adoption to the mobile phone industry.
Invited Talk 4: Haptics for Mainstream- Taking a Leap in Technology Hype Curve to
  Plateau of Productivity
Pauli Laitinen (co-founder and CTO Aito Bv)
  Haptic technologies are inevitable breaking through to main stream markets, but it yet have not been realized. The opportunities and challenges within the framework of Gartner’s hype curve for emerging technologies are discussed. Also their impact to business models and supply chains of technology are proposed for taking last steps to open entrance to main stream markets.
  Prior to that he has held positions at
  - Head of Innovation services in Aalto University.
- Foundation for Finnish Inventions (Innovation Manager),
- Senior Technologist (Nokia R&D;)
- Senior research Scientist (Nokia Research Center),
- University of Helsinki (Post Doctoral Researcher Academy of Finland),
- University of Jyväskylä (researcher, development manager of RADEF),
  He holds a Ph.D. of Natural Sciences from University of Jyväskylä (2004) and Masters Degree (2000). Pauli has contributed to more than 32 patents and patent applications and 27 publications in internationally refereed journals & conference proceedings. He has worked with global technology innovations for 15
  Pauli has collaborated with dozens of global high tech and consumer product companies and with more than 100 professors globally. He has managed and contributed to innovation projects with multimillion capital investments by corporates and venture capitalists, which has been successfully transferred to industrialization phase with more than tenfold further investment in value.
• Career Highlights
  - Ramp up the radiation facility RADEF for qualified ESA research stations 2003
- Lead executor of international applied physics research project in CERN 2002- 2003
- Project manager and major contributor in two breakthrough projects in the filed of haptics and
  diffractive optics at Nokia Research 2004-2007
- Top inventor 2007-2008 award at Nokia
- Mass production capability and set-up of breakthrough technology achieved 2009
- Leading the Innovation Services team resulted with 30 Spin-outsfrom Aalto University 2010-2012
- Changing the World of Real Touch User Interfaces by Aito Touch 2012-2013